Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November in a Nutshell

Monday - 11/3 - Notes on Jury Duty
Tuesday - 11/4 - ELECTION DAY - electoral college prediction map - ****NOTE**** This assignment is the first grade of the new six weeks
Wednesday - 11/5 - Election results and speeches
Thursday - 11/6 - reading assignment with questions - Criminal Trial Procedure **THIS ASSIGNMENT WAS TAKEN FOR A GRADE
Friday - 11/7 - Action in the Court Notes. Video - Enter the Jury Room

Monday - 11/10 -- HAPPY VETERANS DAY
Tuesday - 11/11 - Finish Enter the Jury Room **The questions that went with this were taken for a grade
Wednesday 11/12 - Supreme Court Notes. Pass out Mock Trial Parts
Thursday 11/13 - Supreme court Notes - Marbury v. Madison. Work on Mock Trial
Friday 11/14 - Five Landmark Supreme Court Cases

Monday 11/17 - Supreme Court Judges Posters and Prepare for Mock Trial
Tuesday 11/18 - Worksheets from Judges Posters and Prepare for Mock Trial
Thursday 11/20 - Mock Trial Prep.
Friday 11/21 - Mock Trial

Monday - 11/24 - Vocabulary Quiz
Tuesday - 11/25 - Test

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween at Bowie

JD and I had a great time at the Candy Carnival. Thanks to everyone who helped. We appreciate it.
There were some political costumes this year. Of course, you've gotta love Joe the Plumber.

The rodeo clown and the queen bee aren't political, but we had a good time.