Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November in a Nutshell

Monday - 11/3 - Notes on Jury Duty
Tuesday - 11/4 - ELECTION DAY - electoral college prediction map - ****NOTE**** This assignment is the first grade of the new six weeks
Wednesday - 11/5 - Election results and speeches
Thursday - 11/6 - reading assignment with questions - Criminal Trial Procedure **THIS ASSIGNMENT WAS TAKEN FOR A GRADE
Friday - 11/7 - Action in the Court Notes. Video - Enter the Jury Room

Monday - 11/10 -- HAPPY VETERANS DAY
Tuesday - 11/11 - Finish Enter the Jury Room **The questions that went with this were taken for a grade
Wednesday 11/12 - Supreme Court Notes. Pass out Mock Trial Parts
Thursday 11/13 - Supreme court Notes - Marbury v. Madison. Work on Mock Trial
Friday 11/14 - Five Landmark Supreme Court Cases

Monday 11/17 - Supreme Court Judges Posters and Prepare for Mock Trial
Tuesday 11/18 - Worksheets from Judges Posters and Prepare for Mock Trial
Thursday 11/20 - Mock Trial Prep.
Friday 11/21 - Mock Trial

Monday - 11/24 - Vocabulary Quiz
Tuesday - 11/25 - Test

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